a Fast, Deep-dive Solution

work with DIANE to:

  • Quickly uncover and dissolve the root cause of your unwanted thoughts and habits

  • Feel a shift in as little as 2 hours

  • Feel lighter and freer from the weight that holds you down through powerful understanding

Imagine having no resistance from your mind anymore... It’s what our clients experience effortlessly, in only 1-3 sessions.

All services are completely secure, discreet, confidential and flexible to suit your schedule.

Premium Solutions

  • Advanced-Mind-Health-Self-Sabotage-Solution


    Rewire the limiting beliefs, critical inner voice and intrusive emotions that sabotage your performance and limit your success.

  • Advanced-Mind-Health-Substance-Use

    Substance Use

    Gently release outdated conditioning and free yourself from triggers, cravings and the substance habits that have developed in you.

  • Advanced-Mind-Health-Free-Yourself-from-Stress-and-Anxiety

    Stress & Anxiety

    Effortlessly achieve emotional and physical relief from the fear, worry and mental patterns that constantly weighs you down.


What could you achieve if you had an unstoppable mindset and unlimited confidence?

Despite being educated and successful professionals, many people still battle with self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours which prevent them from being seen, moving forward and even feeling deserving of their accomplishments.

Although everyone’s past is unique, there is always a hidden root cause of exactly what triggers these “blocks.”

Finding and dissolving that root cause is exactly what Diane specializes in. This is the invaluable key to eliminating intrusive thoughts, feelings, resistant behaviours and restoring a naturally high level of confidence.

Today, high-profile professionals simply cannot afford to be held back and are successfully turning to powerful, alternative self-mastery and therapy methods.



All substance and behavioural addictions are the result of your mind shifting into an adaptive state as it responds to internally stored stress or trauma.

It can begin to feel like your cravings are in control of you because your subconscious mind drives 95-97% of your decisions, actions and behaviours.

This is why, when you try to stop on your own, you may last a short while but soon relapse back into what your inner mind wants.

Then the guilt, shame and remorse sets in…

However, these patterns are not your fault. They are not a personal weakness as they were historically thought to be. These patterns developed internally as a subconscious coping mechanism.

During their private sessions with Diane, clients make profound discoveries and connections, thereby understanding and dissolving what their mind is holding on to.

STRESS & ANxiety

When you are gripped by the emotional and physical weight of anxiety and it feels as if nothing can help, you can only try to manage your symptoms.

Many traditional sources suggest breath work, exercise or yoga. This can provide temporary relief, but your emotions or symptoms inevitably return.

It is crucial to understand that the inevitable return of your anxiety or stress is because this discord lives within your mind’s programming.

By working with you at a subconscious level, Diane introduces simple yet powerful tools and language which quickly remove the root cause of what you are experiencing. Ultimately, you install new, positive thought patterns effortlessly.


“Align your mind to support rather than sabotage you.”

~ Diane Konkin, Founder & CEO, Advanced Mind Health


Real Results

99% Success Rate

Our expertise lies in identifying, understanding and eradicating the root cause of the invasive thoughts and behaviors, which is the absolute key to restoring your freedom to move forward.

Today’s high profile-professionals cannot afford to be held back. Many are turning to powerful, alternative methods to be at their best.

Our clients enjoy profound and permanent transformations in typically just one session.

Reveal ~ Reframe ~ Rebalance


Rapid Transformational Therapy®

RTT® is a cutting-edge hybrid therapy based on the latest research in neuroscience and offers fast, deeply effective and permanent results.

Developed by Marisa Peer, recognized as one of the most powerful transformation experts in the world, RTT® was specifically created as a uniquely powerful method to provide relief from emotional challenges in the fastest way possible.

Want to know why it’s being called “The Future of Therapy?

Watch this short video:

“Just because someone told you a story about you, you don’t need to own it.”

~ Diane Konkin, Founder & CEO, Advanced Mind Health

Success Snapshots

  • Diane-Konkin-Testimonial_Dr-Shilpa

    Dr Shilpa (India)

    “… amazing experience with Diane. She made me feel completely at ease during the session and demonstrated great skill at understanding my core issue. I highly recommend Diane as a therapist to help you break through anything that is blocking you from living your best life.”

  • Ryan-Levesque-Testimonial

    Ryan Levesque (USA)

    “RTT® works through the science of neuroplasticity and combines the most effective NLP principles with CBT, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy… allows people to gain lasting freedom from their issues…”

  • Diane-Konkin-Testimonial_Dan-executive

    Dan, Executive (USA)

    “I had my first experience with RTT facilitated by Diane. I have nothing but great things to say… Diane made me feel very comfortable, she was extremely down to earth and put me at ease. I've also had a lot more energy since! I would recommend Diane to anyone that is struggling with alcoholism.”


The Science Behind


Rapid Transformational Therapy® is an advanced form of neuroscience.

It involves communication with the client while in a relaxed state, referred to as hypnosis, which is similar to listening to a guided meditation.

This approach allows the client to comfortably make their own connections, be expertly guided to discover root causes, reframe their perspective, and then create new neural pathways and thought patterns to support them through neurolinguistics and visualization tools.

Researchers have proven that during hypnosis, we experience far more of our brain’s full ability which is usually blocked by critical left brain dominance.

Clients have referred to this method as a “Spa for their Mind”.

Let’s Connect


Rapid Transformational Therapy® is designed to:

  • Focus on the subconscious mind which influences 95% - 97% of how we think, act and feel

  • Quickly and effectively uncover and reframe root causes, thereby lifting your emotional weight

  • Combine the very best psychological methods in an upgraded and advanced manner

  • Be substantially faster than traditional talk therapy or counselling, where only symptoms are addressed

  • Silence your critical inner voice and allow you to take back control

  • Act as a catalyst for permanent change, giving you new thoughts and language to create an alignment between your conscious wants and your subconscious operating system

At Advanced Mind Health, we offer a tailored approach with personalized attention for each client.

RTT® is recognized by:

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